Friday, April 3, 2009


In Richard Foster's book entitled, Prayer: Finding the Hearts True Home, he states on page 65, "As Winter Approaches each year, I like to watch our large maple in the backyard begin to lose its coverings of summer green and take on a funeral brown. As the leaves drop, one by one all of the irregularities and defects of the tree are exposed. The imperfections are always there, of course, but they have been hidden from my view by an emerald blanket. Now, however, it is denuded and desolate, and I can see its real condition."

How often do I hide my true self from others, and from God? I surround myself in an emerald blanket that doesn't allow anyone or anything to see the imperfections that I bear. I believe that somehow if my imperfections are seen I will be disliked or worse disowned. If I no longer bear my leaves, and the people I love can see my imperfections, what will I bear in their eyes instead? Or in the eyes of God? It is interesting that I know God to be existent everywhere all the time, yet I continue to think I can hide behind my leaves. The Psalmist in 139:7 says, "Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?"

God help me to be someone who is not affraid to let down his leaves and be authentic with You and with those around me. Assist me in being real to those around me and to myself as I continue through life. I pray Lord that as I am more authentic in my walk that it would encourage others to a higher level of authenticity in their lives as well. Thank you for being near me even when I don't realize it regardless of if my barriers are in place or if I stand before denuded and defective. Amen

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