Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 2 - John 1:35-51

Jesus steps into our brokenness and restores our humanity.

John the Baptist is standing there talking to two of his disciples when all of the sudden Jesus passes by them along the road. How could Andrew resist? This was his chance to literally follow the creator of the universe in the flesh... hopefully John doesn't mind (he doesn't). Andrew turns from his conversation with John and hurries to catch up to Jesus. Jesus hears the pitter patter of feet coming up behind Him and turns to see Andrew coming up along side Him. Andrew wonders if there is any way he can simply see where the creator of the universe is staying for the night and Jesus does him one better and asks him to join Him on an adventure. And thus starts the gathering of the twelve disciples.

I love this passage because Jesus takes the drop outs and puts them in the head of the class. Andrew, Cephas (Peter), Philip and Nathanael, all are called into the new movement that Jesus is starting. What's interesting is the way each of them are called. As stated above, Andrew seems to simply want to get as close as he can to Jesus. Simon is called and immediately Jesus changes his name to Cephas (Peter). Philip is simply 'found' and told to follow Jesus. Finally Nathanael is slightly apprehensive at first wondering if anything good can come from Nazareth, however Jesus puts those worries to rest and looks deep into Nathanael's heart.

We see these men and see four things:
Someone wanting to belong.
Someone needing a new start.
Someone willing to follow.
And someone looking for wonder.

The amazing part of this story is that these men are you and I. We need a place to belong in a world of disconnectedness. A place to start fresh when life has become hostile. A leader who knows us and is worth following. And something mysterious that continues to make us wonder everyday.

We need Jesus.

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