Friday, July 13, 2012

The Wages of Sin

I've been thinking a great deal about sin recently.

Don't worry, it isn't about your sin, I've been thinking about my own.

I often feel disconnected from my sin.  'Sin' is a term that does two things in our culture, first it gives us a generic term so that we don't have to think about our actual issues yet simultaneously it allows me to judge others.  Think about it.  Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (NIV).  While this is one of those 'Romans Road' passages, it's easy to read over that and not think about our own issues that separate from God.  This verse might be more meaning in our culture like this:

For the wages of arrogance is death...
For the wages of adultery is death...
For the wages of drunkenness is death...
For the wages of little white lies is death...
For the wages of materialism is death...
For the wages of racism is death...
For the wages of conflict with your brother is death...
For the wages of apathy is death...
For the wages of (insert my sin here) is death...

I think I got the picture....

Why do I disconnect myself from sin?

Why is it so much easier to point at others sins?

"Love the sinner and hate the sin".

Let's be honest that often quoted phrase seems to give us liberty to judge others.

I love her but she's addicted to....
We're supposed to love everyone but they're...
He's a great guy but...

What's worse is that phrase is wrong.  While God does does tell us to love others and to hate sin, it's our sin we're supposed to hate.

Paul wrestles his sin in Romans 7:14-20

Jesus recommends pulling the plank out of our eyes before commenting on others sins. (Matt. 7:3-5)

Have wrestled with my sin?

Do I hate my sin?

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